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One of the three tenets of The Living Organization® model for creating results is the interdependence of the three energy fields of Activity, Relationship, and Context. The Context defines what the possible range of results can be. Yet, we continually lean on our predisposition to understand everything through the lens of Activity, the energy of what we do.

I was reading an article this morning citing a study on obesity in China that was published in the American Journal of Health Behavior. It is considered one of the first to investigate weight among Chinese adolescents. Ya-Wen Janice Hsu, a research assistant at the University of Southern California commenting on the study said, "Findings from this large cohort of data on Chinese youth suggest that weight-related correlates might play different roles in Chinese culture than they do in Western cultures."


To read the full, original article click on this link: Why Activity Alone Isn't Enough | Fast Company

Author:Norman Wolfe