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I first learned about the Pomodoro technique from Maren Kate and have loved it ever since.  If you are not familiar with the technique it goes a little something like this:

Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on one thing.

When the timer goes off, set the timer for 5 minutes and take a break.  This is one Pomodoro

Repeat until your heart is fulfilled

To avoid have a physical timer I use this app at work and this app on my Mac.

One of the new ways I’ve strategically started using this technique is to make a goal of doing two Pomodoros every morning before I go to work.  If though this is only about an hour of work, I find that something magical happens when I press the start button to begin a Pomodoro.  I develop instant laser-focus and procrastination instantly fades.


To read the full, original article click on this link: How to Focus and Beat Procrastination With the Pomodoro Technique | Doing Work by Cameron Plommer

Author: Cameron Plommer