The National Venture Capital Association's (NVCA) president Mark Heesen posted a blog recently making a case that there is not, in fact, an internet bubble based on his review of second quarter venture capital statistics. He uses the terms "frothy" "but healthy nonetheless" to summarize his view of the data provided by the NVCA and PricewaterhouseCoopers in its Q2 MoneyTree VC Investment Numbers.
Heeson notes that 25 percent of the investment dollars for the period were driven by five deals that were all expansion or later-stage investments - suggesting that venture capital firms are now spending more time than during the dot-com bust to help grow companies before they go public.
He also observed that 60 percent of the total deals for Q2 were second or third rounds of financing, an indicator that those companies were reaching milestones to justify secondary investments.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Editor's Eye on Washington: A Look at the D.C. Region’s Venture Capital for Q2 - Citybizlist Washington DC
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