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Founded by Rich Bendis

Nathan Furr

So what does the Durant School of Entrepreneurship, or E-School, curriculum look like? I’m currently trying to reshape our existing entrepreneurship curriculum from the traditional model to the new science of entrepreneurship I see emerging. Below is the high level flow of entrepreneurs, both in the school and I would argue in real life.

Reframe the Idea

Most students struggle to “dream up” a good idea. What they really need is to learn to see the world in a new way. In this phase, we help students break the frame on the world view. The focus of idea generation is to 1) learn to see all kinds of problems around you, 2) learn to see every problem as an opportunity, 3) develop the habit of creatively imagining multiple solutions to these problems (specifically, rather than coming up with and stopping with the first idea, develop the creative discipline to develop and churn through multiple solutions).


To read the full, original article click on this link: The New Entrepreneurship School Curriculum - Nathan Furr - The New Entrepreneur - Forbes

Author:Nathan Furr