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With each new success story generated from collaboration and co-creation, a diverse range of organizations are following suit. Gaurav Bhalla shares a co-creation accomplishment recently recognized by President Obama, involving Local Motors and a government defence agency.

For close to a year now, beginning with my book “Collaboration and Co-Creation: New Platforms for Marketing and Innovation,” and more recently in my blog posts and conference presentations, I have maintained that the government and the nonprofit sector is a very fertile ground for co-creation.  This assertion was amply supported at the recently concluded PDMA conference on Co-Creation, held in Phoenix on July 27-28.  What made the conference even more interesting was that the first day of the conference was hosted by Local Motors, the only company in USA that co-creates cars with its customers (I will be writing more about Local Motors in my upcoming blogs).


To read the full, original article click on this link: Public & Private Sector’s Co-Creative Success | InnovationManagement

Author: Gaurav Bhalla