In an iconic moment of 1960s cinema, a young Dustin Hoffman is given one-word career advice by an officious party guest: “Plastics.” While the word was supposed to represent the horrors of the suburban lifestyle, it was still damn good career advice.
Plastics did indeed become a boom industry in the late 60s and 70s, and if the hero of “The Graduate” had followed that advice, by this time he might be an overpaid CEO married to his third trophy wife.
If that movie were made today, the good career advice would be a different word entirely: “Healthcare.”
There is simply no industry in the United States that has a better record of success. Not in saving lives or keeping people healthy! When it comes to results of that kind, the U.S. healthcare system is among the worst in the industrial world. No! Where the U.S. healthcare industry is successful is where it count: the bottom line!
To read the full, original article click on this link: Healthcare Industry: Your Best Career Move | BNET
Author:Geoffrey James