Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Tom Chapman

Sometimes it is really hard to leave something that is comfortable that you like. But, making a choice for something even better, must be done. I am leaving the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce on August 26th. I have really enjoyed working at the Chamber. I like the people. I like the work. I have loved working directly with many of you.

However, I am a builder and the opportunity presented by Nebraska Global to become an instrumental part of doing something AWESOME and impactful for our community is a powerful draw for me. Thus, when they expressed their interest in me, it was hard not to listen. And in fact, the opportunity that they have presented to me – is right up my alley and is just the sort of opportunity at which I can excel. [I also plan to write for Silicon Prairie News during the transition and beyond so maybe I can share some insight into transitions and change also.]


To read the full, original article click on this link: Tom Chapman departing the Chamber, joining Nebraska Global - Silicon Prairie News

Author:Danny Schreiber