Our friends at Causevox published a very helpful free ebook called “7 Habits of Highly Effective Personal Fundraisers.” Get it Here: http://ebook.causevox.com/7habits/. We couldn’t have said it better. A must download for anyone running a fund-raising campaign.
Here are some of our favorite online fund raising platforms:
- Spot.us http://spot.us/ hyper local community funded journalism
- Emphas.is http://emphas.is/ specifically for visual journalists doing image based projects anywhere
- Kickstarter http://www.kickstarter.com/
- IndieGoGo http://www.indiegogo.com/
- Chipin http://www.chipin.com/ this is a widget that can be installed on one’s own blog or website.
- Invested.in http://invested.in/
To read the full, original article click on this link: The latest in Crowdfunding. Raise Funds! – SalaamGarage