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In a dialogue with last week’s interviewee Tyler Moselle, we discussed our own experiences and observations to beginning a successful career in the social sector. Spanning passion and ambition, education and instinct, & creativity and energy, we wanted to share our insights with a broader audience for engagement.

Passion and Ambition:

Rahim Kanani: In search of discovering my own passions, I switched majors twice in college: from computer science to business, and from business to philosophy. After launching Canada’s first online DVD rental store in 1999 and while in high school—after observing the early success of Netflix—I thought a mastery of the digital world would be my destiny as I began my first year of college exactly ten years ago. However, the theories underpinning software programming were extremely dense, and the difficulty I had with learning and understanding code led to my first moment of realization: perhaps the world of computer science was not for me. Switching to business because of my early entrepreneurial success, I thought I would enjoy learning the skills of accounting, marketing, strategy and operations. While interesting, it was not fulfilling.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Key Traits of Social Changemakers - Rahim Kanani - The Common Good - Forbes

Author:Rahim Kanani