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Steve Burrill

Biotech industry observer G. Steven Burrill says he will soon have $350 million to invest in a broad range of companies.

Burrill late last week filed paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission on his $500 million Burrill Capital Fund IV. Burrill, in an e-mail Monday, said he’ll close $350 million of that fund by month’s end.

The fund has a broad mandate and average investments will be between $10 to $15 million. Burrill explained that it will invest in “healthcare on the innovation side” that includes therapeutics, diagnostics, devices, tools and technology and bionanotech; “healthcare on the delivery side” such as digital health companies, healthcare informatics and services as well as in bioeneregy, biofuels, industrial biotech, agricultural biotech and animal health biotech.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Steve Burrill: $350 million from Capital Fund IV will close this month

Author:Arundhati Parmar