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FUTURE SO BRIGHT: Solar towers shine on the horizon in southern Spain (Photo: Ashley Bristowe)

If the vertiginious dive of the Dow Jones has left you feeling gloomy this week, your biggest problem might be that you’re paying too careful watch over the erratic EKG of a dying system, the one the International Energy Agency described a few years ago as “patently unsustainable.” Look intead at the numbers that matter to a truly sustainable system, and the future looks bright even after this wild week.

Herewith, a rosy forecast from the MNN weather desk and a bullish report on the green economy. Let’s call it the MNN Innovation Index.


This is the amount of energy a Nissan Leaf’s battery can store, enough to power the average Japanese home for two days, IT World reports. This is also the dawning of a promised smart-grid revolution in which EV owners power up on the cheap overnight and then sell power back to the grid when demand peaks during the day - about as win-win as a scenario can get.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Forget the Dow, here are the numbers that mattered this week | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Author: Chris Turner