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In the 1970s, with the backing of a Saudi prince, Georges Mougin proposed dragging icebergs from the North Atlantic to the drought-stricken shores of Africa.

Most experts laughed at him, and ever since, iceberg towing has been a mainstay of business opportunity scams and lore.

Well, it turns out that the “experts” were wrong. It is possible. And very feasible.

Cut to 2009 and French software firm Dassault Systemes, who thought maybe Mougin was on to something after all and contacted him to suggest modeling the whole idea on a computer. After applying 15 engineers to the problem, the team concluded that towing an iceberg from the waters around Newfoundland to the Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa, could be done, and would take under five months, though it would cost nearly ten million dollars.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Towing An Iceberg to Africa Will Really Work - Business Opportunities Weblog

Author: Dane Carlson