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Founded by Rich Bendis

Piggy Bank

This is the second part of my three-part series exploring some of the aspects entrepreneurs need to consider when designing a crowdfunding platform. The context for my posts has been a close look at the French crowdfunding market place and in-depth interviews with ten owners of French crowdfunding platforms. In my first post I presented a few factors that I felt made it more difficult for French crowdfunding platforms to achieve the same levels of explosive growth that are being experienced by crowdfunding platforms in the US. In this article I take a closer look at the different models that are being tested in the French market. I spoke to: Smiti Arbia from, Nicolas Bailly de touscoprod, Alexandre Boucherot d’Ulule, Hortense Garand from, Michael Goldman from MyMajorCompany, Nicolas Guillaume from Friendsclear, Angel Ramos de, Vincent Ricordeau from KissKissBankBank, and Yannick Robert from


To read the full, original article click on this link: How to design your own crowdfunding platform