In a not too distant California future, students experience classrooms as a rich, multimedia virtual concept instead of a physical space. They graduate into a workforce and marketplace that thrives on the seamless, constant conversion of intellectual ability into economic power. Part of that workforce successfully applies the latest technology solutions to ensure water quality, restore watersheds, repair habitats and develop new products and services that address California's water challenges.
California is back, having recaptured its role as global leader in innovation. A lofty goal in a California presently defined by budget challenges and economic morass, but entirely within the state's reach if it follows a detailed plan, such as one outlined in a report to the California Legislature released today by the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST).
"Innovate 2 Innovation," or "i2i," presents an action plan that would restore California's magnetic attraction for talent and unparalleled reputation for scientific research and high technology.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Press release: 'Innovate 2 Innovation' Envisions Resurgent California