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Hawaii continues to hold on to its ranking as the happiest place to live, according to results of a new Gallup poll, which also showed that you don't need the warm sun to put a smile on your face.

The results are preliminary for 2011, with the year's complete rankings for U.S. states by Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index expected to come out early next year.

The well-being Index score is an average of six factors, including included life evaluation (self-evaluation about your present life situation and anticipated one in five years); emotional health; work environment (such as job satisfaction); physical health; healthy behavior; and basic access (access to health care, a doctor, a safe place to exercise and walk, as well as community satisfaction).


To read the full, original article click on this link: What Are the Happiest States in the US? | Gallup Well-Being Index | Keys to Happiness | Emotional Health & Physical Health | Work Environment & Basic Health-Care Access | LiveScience