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Steve Jobs

In the wake of Steve Jobs's resignation, let's consider the greatest decision he ever made. It didn't happen in a garage in Cupertino, sweating with Steve Wozniak as they dreamed up a computer for the common man. Or in a conference room, as managers told him that no one would ever pay $500 for a portable music player. Or in another conference room, as new managers told him no one would ever pay $400 for a cellphone. Rather it was in an almost forgotten annex on the Apple campus.

Jobs had just recently come back to the company, after a 12-year lay off working for two of his own start-ups: NeXT, which made ultra high-end computers, and Pixar. He was taking a tour of Apple, becoming reacquainted with what the company had become in the years since he'd left. It must have been a sobering, even ugly sight: Apple was dying at the hands of Microsoft, IBM, Dell, and a litany of competitors who were doing what Apple did, only cheaper, with faster processors.


To read the full, original article click on this link: What Makes Steve Jobs So Great? | Co. Design

Author:Cliff Kuang