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Middle managers are the much-maligned workhorses of corporate America. Squeezed between the demands of the top brass and the realities of front-line employees, middle managers face blame from both camps when things go wrong and win little praise when a policy works out. And when times are tough, middle managers are often the first to go. Still, research shows companies often owe many more of their successes to middle managers than top execs.

Things, we can conclude, have never been easy for the beleaguered middle manager, but are they soon to get a lot worse? That’s the conclusion of a column earlier this year in the HBR written by London Business School professor Lynda Gratton, author of The Shift. In it she predicts that the role of middle manager is actually going extinct. Why? Gratton offers two main reasons.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Gen Y: The Doom of Middle Managers? | BNET

Author:Jessica Stillman