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Everyone knows about Silicon Valley. Or do we? The term is tossed about with élan, abused by public leaders, and touted by experts as a model, panacea, or Shangri-La of entrepreneurship. Headlines with catchy titles, such as "Africa's Silicon Valley to be Unveiled in Nairobi" and "Kazan (Tartarstan) to Set-Up Innovative Ecosystem Similar to Silicon Valley," are found in every major news source. The Next Silicon Valley, a website, has links to articles from 81 countries: Is it possible that "Silicon Valley-Style Entrepreneurship will help Ease the Greek Debt Crisis?" A "Siliconia" website teaches us that there are 79 siliconia, which are "appropriations of names beginning with 'Silicon' by areas outside Silicon Valley."


To read the full, original article click on this link: Everything You Know About Silicon Valley Might Be Wrong - Daniel Isenberg - Harvard Business Review