There’s no shortage of articles that examine the qualities of a successful entrepreneur. But after working with countless entrepreneurs and business owners over the years, I have a slightly different take. Succeeding as an entrepreneur is more than just great ideas and execution. You’ll also need to develop the personality traits that will anchor you and keep you sane amid a hectic lifestyle. After all, your happiness is a top priority, right?
Before you make a big change and quit your nine-to-five, conduct a careful self-assessment. Do you feel you have these qualities?
Can work without a playbook. When you run your own business, you call the shots. This can be both a blessing and a curse. To thrive in this environment, you’ll need to feel comfortable navigating some uncharted (and often rocky) waters without guidance. If these aren’t your strengths right now, know that you’ll need to learn them pretty fast.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Do You Have What it Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?
Author:Nellie Akalp