Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Slovak Flag

The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic has assessed how the country could improve its innovation performance, against the background that Slovakia is considered as a “moderate innovator” in the European Innovation Scoreboard. As a result, innovation policy in the period 2011-2013 will focus on a few key priorities and launch relevant, promising measures in these areas.

The Innovation Union Competitiveness Report 2011 states for the Slovak Republic: “At present, the very low R&D investment, both in the public and private sectors, results in poor scientific and technological production that reinforces the international dependency of the system and hinders its ability to create, use and diffuse knowledge.”


To read the full, original article click on this link: Slovakia: Innovation Policy 2011-2013 | PRO INNO Europe®