Over 80% of the respondents to the online survey run by Innovation America voted positively that the proposed American Innovation Corps Jobs program should receive serious consideration by the Obama Administration. There were over 450 unique viewers of the proposed plan and 110 of you voted for or against the plan as illustrated (1):
Everyone should recognize this is not the only Job Creating program that America needs, but is one in a diversified portfolio of either existing or new models we need to implement. This program was not designed to be "all things to all people" but was specifically designed to address our next generation of knowledge workers and leaders, the recent college grads who lack quality job opportunities today.
There were many suggestions and comments for program improvement or tweaking , highlighted by some of the following:
-- KISS- Keep the program simple without a lot of bureaucracy............BUT DO SOMETHING NOW!
-- Might be to bold for Washington, more of a reason to make it a private/public partnership initiative led by innovative intermediaries.
-- Don't limit to only recent graduates, but let the businesses select the most qualified candidate regardless of age.
-- Utilize established regional intermediaries that have existing relationships with the business community
-- Need to involve tech transfer and commercialization experts that are working with innovative entrepreneurs that need knowledge workers
-- Proposed compensation might be to low in high income regions such as NYC, DC, Calif etc. ..............but some income is better than being unemployed.
-- Track early success and failures in program and PIVOT accordingly
What do we do next...............Lets determine how this program compliments what President Obama is proposing tonight or fills a gap which had not been addressed and map it happen. We welcome any further comments you might have.
Best regards,
Rich Bendis
1) At the time of writing this article. Wednesday 8:00 PM