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“Dress for success,” sounds good, but sometimes you need to take the opposite approach.

We all have things that hold us back: Apprehension, uncertainty, lack of confidence, or simply a fear of looking stupid. The older and more “successful” we get, the more of those fears we tend to have. (When you were 25, karaoke was oddly exhilarating; as a 40-year-old CEO, there’s no way you’ll sing “Don’t Stop Believing” to a crowd of strangers.)

How do you move past the fear? Get naked — kind of. Here’s how.

When I first started riding a bicycle to get in better shape I felt like a poser. The last thing I ever want to be is that guy: The guy who, say, decides to start playing tennis and buys expensive shoes and rackets and bags before he’s even stepped on a court.

To read the full, original article click on this link: To Succeed, Undress the Part | BNET

Author:Jeff Haden