Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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Ross Finlay

An upcoming tour of the province will introduce New Brunswick's wealthy to the benefits of angel investing, a sometimes risky financial move that can provide handsome returns.

First Angel Network, a Halifax-based organization that shares research information and pools investment capital, is touring New Brunswick in late October and early November with members of the New Brunswick Innovation Fund to raise awareness about angel investing and to teach interested people how to make a well-informed angel investment.

"We want to come up and talk about angel investing and teach people how to do it the right way," said Ross Finlay, co-founder of First Angel Network. "If they're going to do it and they make a mistake, it's with their own money."

To read the full, original article click on this link: - Tour to take mystery out of angel investing | Geoff Bird - Breaking News, New Brunswick, Canada

Author: Geoff Bird