Around Labor Day, the commentary on the current state of the workplace increases. But this year, it seemed that the media focused more on what the future of work will look like. A couple of examples that I’ve seen over the past few days include:
- A Jobs Plan for the Post-Cubicle Economy, part of The Future of Work—A Labor Day Special Report ( Advocates creating unions that bring together the increasing number of independent workers.
- The Blended Workforce: The New Norm (Talent Management): Foretells of a future workplace made up of a combination of employees, consultants, independent contractors and contingent workers. Not unlike the Shamrock Organization that Charles Handy first predicted in his 1989 management classic, The Age of Unreason.
- Are Jobs Obsolete? ( Challenges the relevance of the entire concept of a job.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Workforce Shifts Demand A New Slate Of Questions About Work/Life Issues | Fast Company
Cali Williams Yost