Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
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Almost every university that is awake is finding a way to establish an entrepreneurship program. One that goes beyond traditional classroom instruction and goes on to give student teams incubation space, mentors, and if really on the ball access to private investors. A little more than two years and three summers of operation later, the Syracuse University Student Sandbox has shown impressive growth. Enough growth to harness $500K worth of support from the EDA to support future cycles of the program.

Grant application co-writer Linda Hartsock says, “The funding will enable us to greatly expand the Sandbox program to more schools, and it ensures its sustainability for five years. It also positions the Sandbox program as the only EDA University Center in New York State. This is great news for student venture development across upstate.” UNYstartups agrees with all this and hopes the model becomes a source of influence for how to structure a university/community driven incubator that welcomes entrepreneurs far beyond those enrolled in one particular institution.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Syracuse University Demonstrates How To Setup And Grow Student Incubator, Pilot Results Attract $500K From The EDA

Author:Julian Baldwin