Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis



NASVF-NCET2 Venture Capital Certification Program

An 11 course series that builds a foundation for developing and executing your investment strategy

Course #1:

"What Kind of Investor Are You and Where Do You Fit in the Investor Landscape?"

October 13, 2011, 2:30-4:30pm EST/11:30-1:30Pm PST


Suzette Dutch, MBA
Managing Partner,
Triathlon Medical Ventures

Steve Mercil
President/CEO, RAIN Source Capital
Chair, NASVF

Click here to register for this course or visit

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to help you determine your investment strategy and the best options for you to deploy your capital consistent with your strategy. The course will provide you the tools to develop your individual investment strategy based on the amount of time (applied and elapsed), energy, expertise, risk and capital you may be comfortable investing in early stage companies.

This course is for angel and early-stage investors, corporate development venture funds,
Economic development officials,
emerging fund managers, seed and validation funds, Service providers: attorneys, accountants, consultants.

This 90-minute course includes a 60-minute lecture and 30-minute Q&A session

Test and Certificate: An online multiple-choice test at the end of each course will be available to participants. Participants who achieve 60% or greater will receive a Certificate of Successful Completion

Course Content:

  • The Different Investor Types
  • Role as Investor
  • Return Expectations
  • Risk Tolerance
  • Constructing Your Individual Investment Strategy
  • Asset Allocation and Portfolio Strategy
  • Investment Options

Costs: Each course is offered at a cost of $99 or $795 for all 11 courses.

Schedule of Other Courses:





What Kind of Investor Are You?


September 15, 2011

Steve Mercil, Suzette Dutch

Creating Great Deal Flow


October 13, 2011

Brad Bertoch, Richard Gajan

Screening and Due Diligence


November 10, 2011

Suzette Dutch, Greg Horowitt

Structuring and Pricing the Deal


December 8, 2011

Suzette Dutch, Richard Gajan

Monitoring and Mentoring Portfolio Companies


January 12, 2012

Brad Bertoch, Joel Wiggins

Preparing for Exits


February 9, 2012

Suzette Dutch, Greg Horowitt

Creating an Angel and Sidecar Fund


March 8, 2012

Steve Mercil, Richard Gajan

Best Practices for Investing


April 12, 2012

Steve Mercil, Joel Wiggins

Managing Your Investors


May 10, 2012

Steve Mercil, Brad Bertoch



June 14, 2012

Suzette Dutch, Joel Wiggins

Tech Support / Tech Tools


July 12, 2012

Richard Gajan, Bradley Bertoch

Instructors include leading experts in the field of seed and venture capital:

Bradley B. Bertoch, MBA
President, Wayne Brown Institute

Suzette Dutch, MBA
Managing Partner, Triathlon Medical Ventures

Richard Gajan, MBA
Independent Consultant

Greg Horowitt
Founding Partner & Managing Director, T2 Venture Capital

Steve Mercil
President/CEO RAIN Source Capital
Chair, NASVF

Joel Wiggins, PhD
President & CEO, Enterprise Center of Johnson Country, Kansas

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