For an industry that is based on diving into the unknown, the news business has been notoriously adverse to exploring real innovation in its own industry—despite the fact that it has been floating in a sea of disruption for at least a decade.
That’s why the work of The Washington Post Company and its two-year-old WaPo Labs is notable. The principles under which the Labs were founded serve as a roadmap for reinvention—not just for the news business but for any company whose once-firmly entrenched industry is now being shaken up.
Founded in 2009, the Labs experiment with new possible news products. They do everything from exploring new infrastructure, to developing new products (like Trove), and experimenting with widgets that can be deployed within the company’s existing publications, like the Washington Post and Slate.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation Lessons From The Washington Post | Fast Company
Author:E.B. Boyd