The ERC launched the new funding initiative, called "Proof of Concept", in March 2011, open to researchers who have already been awarded an ERC granti. ERC grant holderis can apply for this additional funding to establish the innovation potential of ideas arising from their ERC-funded frontier researchi projects.
ERC Proof of Concept in brief All Principal Investigators benefitting from an ERC Advanced or Starting Granti that is either ongoing, or where the project has ended less than 12 months before the publication date of an ERC Proof of Concept call. The Principal Investigator must be able to demonstrate the link between the idea and the related ERC-funded project Funding per granti: up to € 150.000 Duration: 12 months Calls for proposalsi: published once a year with two deadlines
To read the full, original article click on this link: Proof of Concept | ERC: European Research Council