NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The National Cancer Institute today issued a dozen new funding opportunities totaling $8 million aimed at supporting small businesses, including grants that will fund development of companion diagnostics, microarray technologies, multi-analyte tools, and other innovations.
Funded under the Small Business Innovation Research program, the contract grants will provide $200,000 for Phase I and $1.5 million for Phase II awards, and include a range of tools and technologies, such as diagnostics, imaging tools, nanotechnology-based sensors, anti-cancer agents, and radiotherapy. Applications for the 2012 contract topics are due by Nov. 7, 2011.
Todd Haim, SBIR's Program Manager at NCI, told GenomeWeb Daily News today that the topics for these awards were identified as priority areas and warranted a separate funding track from the annual open SBIR omnibus program.
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