So NOW you tell us . . . As a group of entrepreneurs and small-business types was making its pitch for yet more state involvement in job creation, thoughts naturally turned to the jobs bill.
You know, the big bill that raced through the Legislature this year, filled with $538 million in tax cuts and other incentives for job creation. The bill Kirk Adams is touting as he runs for Congress, not to mention almost every Republican in the Legislature.
Well, according to this new group of supplicants, thanks but . . . not so much.
"We are not helped by cuts in taxes," said John Adam Kowalski of the Arizona Growth Foundation,which promotes business startups. What these groups really need, he told lawmakers last week, is capital. The savings from tax cuts, while nice, aren't enough to prod an entrepreneur into bankrolling a few employees, he said.
This latest pitch raised the antenna on Sen. Ron Gould's B.S. detector (as in "be scared"), who said he has a "sixth sense" about anything called a jobs bill. He was one of only four Republicans (out of 61) to vote against it.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Political Insider: Jobs bill doesn't help entrepreneurs