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To assess the value of a diamond, an appraiser looks at the 5 C’s (Cut, Color, Clarity, Cash balance of Customer). Turns out the C word options for evaluating anything are virtually limitless. So, long desiring to write a blog topic about the Critical Constituent Components of the ideal emerging med tech CEO in a Clever but not too Challenging manner, I naturally turned to the letter C.

There have been many books, articles and probably blogs written about what it takes to corner the corner office. When that corner office is overlooking the HVAC system of a sub-sub-leased space crammed with tired-looking engineers, low-paid summer interns, 3 day old pizza, EBAY-purchased testing devices, duct tape covered chairs, and the strewn parts of multiple cannibalized pieces of equipment, otherwise known as a start-up med tech company, different rules apply

To read the full, original article click on this link: The 10 Cs you need to lead an emerging medtech company

Author:Amy Siegel