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The IPO market might be looking a little frosty, but the M&A market so far this year has been positive enough to warm VCs’ hearts.

The median selling price through September was nearly $71 million – four times the median amount invested prior to liquidity, according to Dow Jones VentureSource. That kind of multiple hasn’t been seen since 2000.

Because M&A is affected by the stock market, the pace is likely to fall in the fourth quarter, but the total raised is sure to exceed last year. VentureSource pegs the amount raised in the first nine months at $37.3 billion, only slightly behind the $39.42 billion for all of 2010, which was the best year since 2007. (VentureSource is owned by Dow Jones & Co., the publisher of this blog.)

To read the full, original article click on this link: M&A Still Bright Spot For VCs - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ
