A recent study by the Martin Prosperity Institute (Creativity and Prosperity: The Global Creativity Index) makes it clear why a solid, intimate and fruitful transatlantic relationship is needed. While many frantically point to China’s stellar economic growth and hunger for innovation, according to the institute it is actually “Old Europe” which continues to lead the way in economic and creative innovation.
The study takes a look at 82 key nations and their data on technology, innovation, human capital and other measures of economic competitiveness.
Richard Florida, director of the Martin Prosperity Institute and professor of business and creativity at the Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto) takes the works of Joseph Schumpeter and his focus on technology to help set up the study. The study measures innovation according to “three main metrics – research and development effort, scientific and research talent, and the level of innovation.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: New Ideas from Old Europe | FrumForum