With the lack of a federal advanced energy policy, several states are seizing the opportunity to fill the void. I was in Columbus last week to attend Ohio Governor John Kasich’s Energy and Economic Summit, which kicked off the development of a comprehensive energy strategy for the state. Personally, I found the opening remarks from Governor Kasich and from Joseph Stanislaw, author and the former president of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, very motivating.
One thing in the Governor’s comments that really resonated with me was that Ohio could work on a comprehensive energy strategy, which could be a model for other industrial states. What if states continue to take a leadership role, share best practices and then link together their energy strategies – could they make a significant economic impact on the advanced energy industry as well as help solve our country’s energy puzzle?
To read the full, original article click on this link: Advanced Energy - Policy and Politics? - Forbes
Author:Rebecca O. Bagley