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HeraldNet recently asked some entrepreneurs for their take on small business in the future. Has a weak economy permanently harmed small business? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Phil Bannan, co-owner of Scuttlebutt Brewery Co.

I don’t think the long recession will have much of a negative impact on the next generation of entrepreneurs because nothing seems to constrain the true entrepreneur. It’s in their DNA. Yet, there are a lot of steps between the germination of an idea and a fully functioning enterprise. Somewhere in there, financing and capital accumulation become a key determinant of successfully bringing an enterprise to life. I think the question is: Will there be financing? Venture capital is difficult, IPOs aren’t working and the tax policy is confiscatory. That’s where I see the future entrepreneur’s problem.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Weakening Of Small Business - Business Opportunities Weblog

Author: Angela Shupe