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Medtronic hypertension device tops Cleveland Clinic medical innovations. The device, which Medtronic acquired through its $800 million acquisition of Ardian earlier this year, is called the Symplicity Catheter System. It works via a process known as renal denervation, or ablation of the nerves that line the renal arteries, and could represent a way to control resistant hypertension without drugs.

ADVERTISEMENT Envoy Medical hearing aid video goes viral; 2 million+ views in a week. Sarah Churman, 29, posted the video of her hearing her own voice for the first time on her sloanchurman YouTube account. In five days the video has gathered more than 2.1 million views on YouTube and the video (and Esteem) were featured everywhere from The Washington Post to The Huffington Post.

To read the full, original article click on this link: And the best innovation from Cleveland Clinic summit is… (Weekend Rounds)