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I'm sitting outside of a cafe in Greenwich, Conn., enjoying some free time and unseasonably warm weather, before boarding a 14-hour flight to Beijing. In this era of uncertainty, with the fear of Chinese and Indian economies eclipsing the U.S., of Europe doing too little too late, what we need is some perspective. We need to lift our gaze from in front of our feet and look up, and think about the long term.

I got a precious opportunity to do just that last week at an investor conference hosted by a man who Forbes says is worth about $1.5 billion, who runs a series of funds valued at over $15 billion. I won't give you his name because I have not yet formally interviewed him and would like to, but he laid out a formula for the few of us willing to look for opportunity in trouble. He has a long record. His formula must work. So it’s worth something.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Learning To Thrive While Your Competitors Flounder | Fast Company

Author:Kaihan Krippendorff