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AmCham EU, the trade asso­ci­a­tion of 150 US com­pa­nies was pre­sent­ed at the accom­pa­ny­ing exhi­bi­tion of the Euro­pe­an Inno­va­tion Sum­mit in Brus­sels.

How close is Europe to the Inno­va­tion Union and how the pri­vate sec­tor take the lead in inno­va­tion were just some of the top­ics of live­ly debate dur­ing the third edi­tion of the Euro­pe­an Inno­va­tion Sum­mit in Brus­sels, mot­toed "Towards a Euro­pe­an Inno­va­tion Eco­sys­tem." It was orga­nized by the think-tank Knowl­edge4Inno­va­tion and wide­ly sup­port­ed by the EP and per­son­al­ly by its Pres­i­dent Jer­zy Buz­ek. Among the pan­el­ists in the dif­fer­ent ses­sions were the MEPs Lam­bert van Nist­el­roo­ij, Anto­nio Cor­re­ia de Cam­pos, Edith Herc­zog, and also Die­go Can­ga Fano, Dep­u­ty Head of Cab­i­net of the EC Vice-Pres­i­dent Anto­nio Tajani, Thom­as J. White, Dep­u­ty Chief of the US Mis­sion to the EU, Mikael Hag­strom, Chair­man of the Exec­u­tive Coun­cil of AmCham EU, Jos Leij­ten and Ronald Strauss, respec­tive­ly Pres­i­dent and Man­a­ging Direct­or of Knowl­edge4Inno­va­tion, and prom­i­nent busi­ness rep­re­sent­a­tives. Par­al­lel meet­ing on inno­va­tion at min­is­te­ri­al lev­el took place in War­saw and was one of the key events of the Pol­ish Pres­i­den­cy. Its focus was on adapt­ing EU research and inno­va­tion pol­i­cies to nation­al and region­al con­texts.

In Brus­sels, where the busi­ness peo­ple met the pol­i­cy mak­ers, appeared a new dimen­sion in inno­va­tion - across regions and sec­tors. Still more clear­ly emerged a bold new atti­tude towards risk tak­ing and fail­ure, which often holds back the entre­pre­neurs from the imple­men­ta­tion of new brave ideas.

To read the full, original article click on this link: PPPs take key role in innovation