SSTI’s 15th Annual Conference Nov. 8-9 in Columbus, OH is just a few weeks away and this year’s agenda includes thoughtful discussion, practical tips and workshops centered on relevant, timely issues that matter to those involved in tech-based economic development (TBED) policy and practice. Featured topics include Capital Access, Research Commercialization, Nurturing Startups, and Innovation and Organizational Metrics.
SSTI’s plenary sessions incite dialogue and promote community building. Senior leaders from EDA, NIST and SBA will kick-off the event discussing how we communicate the value of investments in innovation, encourage collaboration, and adapt to changing economic and fiscal conditions. The conference wraps up with discussion and audience participation on the latest trends, the challenges ahead and their implications. Networking opportunities, yoga, a morning run, and dinner with small groups is built in to maximize your conference experience. Early registration is available through Oct. 24. Register now at: