This year’s Summit was organized for the third time in partnership with the EU Presidency, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The Warsaw event was a ‘Ministerial Conference’ organized by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and its results will be presented at the Commission ‘Innovation Convention’ on 6 December (09:00 – 10:30) in Brussels.
With more than 100 speakers and 700 participants in both Warsaw and Brussels, the Summit conferences provided a unique opportunity to present and debate the key topics along the innovation value chain from education to internationalization of companies. The Warsaw event primarily focused on the role of the member states and regions as the drivers of the Innovation Union. The focus of the Brussels event was on the need for talent, the role of business and transatlantic innovation cooperation. The summit ended with a fresh discussion on the future of innovation in Europe and lunch debates on wireless communications and EU-Russia innovation cooperation.
On the one side, the speakers’ presentations and discussions in Warsaw and Brussels addressed most of the important aspects related to the complex issue of innovation thus providing a wealth of knowledge to be further exploited. On the other side the K4I Forum of the European Parliament bringing together innovation stakeholders from the public, private and academic sectors provides a unique place and opportunity to help shaping the future of innovation in Europe. Most of the important decisions will be taken between now and the end of next year and we invite you to join us and get involved in the discussion on future policies and instruments to ensure that innovation will be a priority in the design of upcoming EU policies and budget allocation.
In the coming weeks K4I members, summit partners and other interested parties will define a strategy and set-up the K4I Forum Programme an Action Plan 2012. You are more than welcome to join us in our efforts.
We will keep you informed on the availability of the summit outcome booklet and the highlights video which will be made available on our K4I Website in the coming weeks.