Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


This week, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development John Fernandez delivered the keynote address during the National Association of Seed and Venture Funds (NASVF) Conference in Arlington, Texas.

Fernandez discussed steps that the Obama administration has taken to advance public-private partnerships and support bottom-up economic development strategies. He highlighted the smart investments that the U.S. Economic Development Administration makes, saying, “We approach our investments in some of the same ways a venture capitalist would. We're looking for a good risk-return balance and a significant return on our investment; which is why for every dollar EDA puts in, taxpayers get almost seven dollars back in the form of increased economic growth and job creation.”

Click here to read speech.

Click here to read blog post - Working with the Private Sector to Create Jobs.