Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


THE spirit of enterprise is infectious on the 14th floor of One Marina Park Drive. People from more than 100 start-up companies squeeze inside, working cheek by jowl to turn their ideas into successful businesses. There is no time to admire the magnificent views of Boston harbour.

They are an eclectic bunch: Locately scours credit card data to provide retailers with information about what else their customers are buying. Two cubicles away is Casa Couture, which makes expandable shoes which it says are ideal for pregnant women and fast-growing children. Nearby is Invup, which runs an online service helping big companies manage their do-gooding. Then there is Abroad101, which assists Americans wanting to study overseas; Her Campus, a newspaper and marketing firm targeting female students; ArtVenue, which matches artists with empty display space; OsmoPure, which makes water filters for poor countries, and so on.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Creating employment: A helping hand for start-ups | The Economist