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Lynn Blodgett. president and chief executive of ACS, an I.T. services subsidiary of Xerox, says that even in huge organizations, it's important to have employees at all levels feel “accountable for profits, revenue and customer satisfaction.”

This interview with Lynn Blodgett, president and C.E.O. of ACS, a Xerox company, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.

Q. What were some early lessons for you?

A. I come from a family of nine kids — six boys and three girls. Because it was a large family, we didn’t have a lot. One of the things that we did every Christmas was that my parents would say we had to earn our Christmas money. And so they were the venture capitalists.  They’d give us $5, and then we would go buy wholesale wrapping paper and take orders and resell them and turn that $5 into $25.

It was a great thing, because you learned about customers, learned about keeping your word, getting the orders delivered on time.

Q. What about your first kind of formal management role?

A. We worked for my parents, and I did kind of supervisory things there, and then worked for the company that bought my parents’ business and actually ended up running that business.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Lynn Blodgett of ACS, on Entrepreneurship in a Big Company -