Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


More than 90 percent of entrepreneurs fail. The top 3 barriers to entrepreneurship are the following:

1) Procrastination: Procrastination they say is the thief of time. There is no tomorrow because it never comes. What you do today will affect how your tomorrow will be. Out of laziness, resistance and complacency entrepreneurs are forced to shift activities. If you want to draw a business plan it must be now; if you want to write a proposal, it must be now; if you must register your business, it must be now; if you must quit a job and start your own business it must be now. A lot of entrepreneurs have great vision and dreams but a lot are in the “someday island”. They hope to achieve them someday. They never get there in actual fact. Write the dream on paper, figure out areas of strength and areas of resistance, set time against your dreams. When you have done this, employ your passion and go get it.

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