Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Cashless Innovators: student change agents. Here’s a subset of Generation O identified in the 2012 mobileYouth report who, unlike the Teenage Pirates, aren’t looking to radically overhaul the system, they simply want to create an alternative. They are the backpackers of their generation looking for The Beach – their own alternative parallel universe of retro cool (Instagram, Fixie bikes or Pabster Blue Ribbon).

Fast Company looks at why young digital talent doesn’t want to work at your company. The problem is that for many Cashless Innovators growing up into the working world, the timeless draw of a secure working environment in the big company no longer holds the kind of sway it used to.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Working with Cashless Innovators