Philadelphia, PA - It took over 25 years for the founders of The Gabriel Institute (TGI) to create a completely new technology that predicts how a person will ‘team’ with others to solve problems or achieve common goals, and now the business benefits are gaining recognition. Preferred Sands, a fast-growing mining company that began using TGI’s technology two years ago, has been announced as the winner of the Constellation ‘Supernova Award’ in the ‘emerging technology category.’ Almost immediately after implementing TGI’s Role Based Assessment (RBA) for hiring and team diagnostics, Preferred Sands saw its turnover rate fall from 30% to zero – where it has remained for over a year.
Improvements in ‘quality of hire’ and employee retention were not the only gains. “The time and costs associated with the hiring process are also reduced. Now, before we invest in face-to-face meetings, we screen for the kind of team-players who are the right fit for the job, for a specific team’s mission, and for our culture,” said Mike O’Neill, Preferred’s CEO. Asked what he would recommend to other firms seeking similar results, he added: “Whether you have hiring quality problems, or team performance problems, or any other people-related issues or challenges, stop paying so much attention to ‘talent,’ and focus on finding the right team-players.”
The full commentary on Preferred’s use of TGI Role-Based Assessment can be viewed at’neill-–-preferred-unlimited/
According to Ray Wang, Founder and CEO of Constellation Research Group, the SuperNova Awards were created to “celebrate the explorers, the pioneers, and the unsung heroes who successfully put new technologies to work.” Preferred’s award was announced in connection with the 2011 Constellation Connected Enterprise conference, held recently in Scottsdale, Arizona. Dr. Janice Presser and Mark Talaba, TGI Principals, delivered the opening address at the conference.
TGI’s revolutionary technology has found its way into over 70 organizations, ranging from the U.S. Department of Justice, Hewlett Packard, Independence Blue Cross, and Hitachi Electronics.
About Dr. Janice Presser:
Dr. Janice Presser is CEO of The Gabriel Institute, based in Philadelphia. A behavioral scientist by training, she has been involved in research and analysis for more than 30 years. She and her longtime associate, Dr. Jack Gerber, are the originators of Role-Based Assessment, and the CHI Indicators™ methodology. Dr. Presser has served on SHRM’s Human Capital Assessment/Metrics Special Expertise Panel and HCI’s National Advisory Board on Talent Development and Measuring Quality of Hire Expert Panel. If you wish to learn more about Dr. Janice Presser and The Gabriel Institute, visit the TGI website or her blog at
About The Gabriel Institute
The Gabriel Institute is the provider of Role-Based AssessmentTM (RBA) and thought leader in the advancement of Coherent Human Infrastructure management methods. TGI’s proprietary online assessments identify the ‘teaming characteristics’ of individuals and groups, and can predict the likelihood of correct job-fit and productive contribution. RBA is in use worldwide for hiring, succession planning, leadership development, workforce development, team building and related purposes.