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Every year, millions of foreigners want to visit the United States and tour our great nation. They also want to spend money here – lots of it. Unfortunately, our government makes it terribly difficult for them to do so. As we debate creative ways to boost our economy, create jobs and cut the deficit, we should consider making it easier for foreigners to become U.S. tourists.

Take Brazil. The Brazilian economy is one of the fastest-growing large economies in the world right now. But Brazilian products cost more because of the country’s high tariffs on imports. In December 2010 the original iPad was released in Brazilian stores for $985, which was almost twice as much as in the United States and one of the highest official prices for an iPad anywhere, according to Macworld Brazil.

While this helps encourage Brazilian production – in fact, Apple recently opened an iPad factory in Brazil, which is expected to begin shipping in December of this year – many Brazilian consumers respond by going out of Brazil to do much of their purchasing.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Want More Jobs? -- Quit Making It So Hard For Tourists To Visit The USA | Fox News