Over the course of a given quarter I will actively engage with a long list of entrepreneurs to discuss their business and fundraising objectives. These initial conversations are, in many instances, OpenView’s first touch point with some of the most exciting, high-growth startups in the software and tech world. A lot can be learned from these early interactions that will greatly shape the state of the relationship moving forward. Here are a few thoughts on how both parties can be sure they are sending the right signals on their “first date.”
Ask good questions
IMAGE CREDIT: KOREANBEACON.COM Asking the right questions is definitely a two-way street. I always stress to CEOs and founders that, just as I am looking to learn more about their business, it is equally important they get to know their potential funding partners. (us) When an entrepreneur is asking the right questions in return, it is a very encouraging sign…whether it be trying to find out how we can help them execute against their go-to market strategy, or what relationships and doors we can open for them moving forward. These questions are equally as helpful for us as they help paint a clearer picture of the company’s vision and strategy. I try to be an open book when it comes to chatting about OpenView’s value-added proposition, and I find that by doing so it becomes far easier for these entrepreneurs to chat more openly about their business.
To read the full, original article click on this link: First Date: How VCs and Startups Can Score in Investment Courtship