The world of mobile has come a long way. Mobile devices are constantly evolving and delivering refined operating systems (OS), better apps, user-friendly features and faster connectivity. What this means is that websites have had to up the ante too; by optimising their sites for mobile (or developing mobile) apps.
In the midst of this, (mobile) email marketing has also had to keep up with the global smartphone explosion. Although it has established its place as the original workhorse of digital marketing, every year email marketing “dies”, only to come back bigger and better the following year. When you think about it though, the potential for email marketing remains massive. After all, how much can you do online these days without having to divulge your email address? That’s right – not much. Which is why email marketing remains one of the top-performing digital marketing strategies.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Five tips for optimising your mobile emails | memeburn