Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


We have all read the headlines. ‘The European Financial Crisis Turns Ugly’, ‘Worst Crisis Since the ‘30s”, ‘Europe Financial Crisis Deepens as Greek Government Teeters’. Let’s face it, in this era of globalization the economic landscape has taken a turn for the worse. Every day, we see mass protests and strikes splashed across TV screens and newspapers. But behind the disappointment, there are people who are working on changing the headlines.

There is an urgency for world leaders to meet and discuss how they will map out Europe’s recovery in a top-down process, but it’s not that often we hear about the individuals who want to make a change from the bottom up. The same individuals who have the potential to create the next Facebook, Google or Twitter. In this blog post, I want to share a compelling story of my three day experience working with an outstanding group of individuals. Where did this all take place? STARTup Live Athens.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Rebuilding Greece Through Entrepreneurship | 6Wunderkinder